Coggle Markdown Specifics

If you've used Markdown formattingbefore, and you're looking for the key differences between Markdown in Coggle and other sites, read on! Otherwise, check our our full markdown reference instead.

Markdown is a simple way of formatting text – to add titles, links, and other things – using the text itself. The simplest example of this is using **asterisks** to make text bold. You can use Markdown like that anywhere in a Coggle diagram.

Differences between Coggle and Standard Markdown

Checkable Check-Boxes

Really useful for tracking tasks, checkboxes follow the Markdown principle of looking good in plain-text:

- [X] Here's a list with checkboxes
- [ ] This one's unchecked
- [X] And this one's checked

But the best part is that instead of having to edit the text to check or uncheck a box, you can just click it:



Strike-through is really useful when you want to show that something is wrong, or has been changed, any text that is surrounded by two tilde characters (~~):

    The world is ~~round~~ an oblate spheroid.


Smarter List Numbering

This isn’t normally considered part of Github Flavoured Markdown, but updating our parser has enabled us to make the way lists are numbered much smarter. Markdown will automatically number lists for you (so you don’t have any of those embarrassing lists with two items labelled 3.), but now instead of always starting from 1., the numbers will start from the first number that you use in a list. A single-numbered list like this:

   3. The third thing is neat.

Will now correctly appear like this:

Smarter list numbering

Newlines are Line-Breaks

Whenever you press ctrl+enter (or use one of the other ways) to insert a new line into a branch of a coggle you’ll always get a line break in the text that’s displayed.

No Inline HTML

HTML code is not a natural or easy way to enter and format text, and can have a very overbearing structure. For these reasons we’ve disabled the inclusion of raw HTML in Coggle Markdown.

Specify Image Size

We’ve added an extension to the image syntax that lets you specify the size of an image. Add a size in the format wxh after the url to an image. For example: ![Coggle logo]( 180x86).