Create Concept Maps with Coggle

Concept maps are diagrams that order and structure information, showing the relationships between different items in the diagram. They are similar to  mind maps, but focus more on the connections between information. 

Concept maps start from any number of central concepts, with items either branching off, or added freely anywhere in the diagram and then linked together.

To create concept maps with more than one root item in Coggle you'll need a  paid plan, but you can create concept maps with a single root item, and as many labels and cross-links as you like for free.

To create a Concept Map:

  1. Every Coggle diagram starts with a single central item, which is the title of the document, and the main concept in the Concept map.
  2. Click on the central item to enter the main concept, your changes are automatically saved.
  3. To add items connected to the main concept: Click the (+) buttons on the central item to add branches, then enter a text label for each branch. You can add as many branches as you want.
  4. OR, to add unconnected items (you can connect them later): double click anywhere in the diagram to add a floating concept, then enter text.
  5. To create cross-links showing relationships between items, right click on the source of the link, hold the [shift] key to show the cross-link option, then drag the link icon from the context menu to the item you want to link with. Add a label to the crosslink by clicking the (...) icon on the link.
  6. Connect unconnected concepts to branches by holding [shift] and dragging the unconnected items near to the branch you want to connect. You can also detach concepts if you change your mind.

If you have a paid plan you can also add branches from unconnected concepts, creating multiple branching trees within the same diagram - but it's still possible to create great concept maps with a single central concept.

Tips for making great concept maps:

  • Try to keep the amount of text in each item to just one or two lines, adding new items for extra detail instead (but if you need to you can add a new line within an item using [ctrl] + [enter])
  • Add icons to help make important ideas stand out, or upload your own images.
  • Change the text size to emphasise important items.